a. Call to order: 6:35 PMb. Roll Call, Sunil, Gail, Pauline & Vimala
c. Modifications to Agenda: None
II. Approval of Minutes: August 13, 2019 Monthly Meeting Agenda: Gail Approved, Sunil 2nd
III. Discussion Items/Presentations:
a. Need to get Z-passes out to students (district still have 17 kids missing from their lists)
i. Went through z-passes and marked those which we have physical copies
ii. Plan to send out emails asking families that have their z-passes
iii. Will order new z-passes online tomorrow
iv. Plan to pass out z-passes through the school (Sunil will work with principle to determine how)
v. Sunil is checking to see how we can get temporary 2-week passes
b. Lessons learned
i. Need to follow-up with transportation dept on bus list very first of Aug
a. Check transportation list (can ask for it in excel format)
b. Try to have all names correct by 2nd week in Aug
c. Can’t send out temp passes until students are on the bus transportation’s manifest list
d. Have 2 bus meetings in September moving forward to help work out the new year bus kinks
ii. Avoid bus swaps until after week has started the first few weeks
c. Had complaint for MMS Vice Principles that buses were over-crowded and it was assumed people from Dingeman I bus were trying to get on the Dingeman II bus in the morning
i. Reality- The bus driver had a bus with seatbelts which only enabled him to legally fit 54 kids on the bus and we had 60 kids enrolled
ii. I brought this issue up with the school district who swapped buses to their larger size so this was no longer an issue
iii. Haven’t heard any complaints about there not being enough room for kids since the bus was upgraded to a larger size
d. Received email from school district that they were wanting to drop kids from the bus program who do not live in the school district boundaries
i. I would like to solicit help from the different liaison reps for each bus route to contact/investigate why/how these families are eligible to be part of the program – update, district make no exceptions for reasoning behind living out of the school district. Emails will be sent out tomorrow informing them they will be dropped
ii. Need date: Please provide me responses by Oct 1
iii. Will need to update online application form for next spring specifying the need to live within district boundaries to participate in the program
e. Multiple requests made to allow families who missed registration with students who had previously been on the bus to have priority
f. Multiple requests made for priority given to families with out-going 8th graders and incoming 6th graders
IV. Action Items:
V. Non-Agenda Public Comment / Open Discussion.
VI. Adjournment. 7:35 pm
Future Meeting Dates:
October 22, 2019, 6:30 pm