October 23, 2018 @ 6:30pm
Scripps Ranch Library, Seminar Room
Present: T. Philips, P. Mills, M. Fetherling, W. Konold, C. Walbridge
Absent: D. Fetherling, G. Faber
Number in audience: 1
A.Call to order –T. Philips called the meeting to order at 6:46pm
Modifications to the Agenda –None
Non-Agenda Public Comment –A question was raised by a member of the public about the lottery process and registration for next year. The process was reviewed and proposed dates shared –April 10-31 2019.
Approval of Minutes - The minutes from September 25, 2018 were not approved as the motion by C. Walbridge (2nd by T. Philips) failed 3-0-2. A minimum of 4 vote are required to pass any motion. To be reviewed and voted on at the next meeting.
Discussion Items/Presentations:
Update on Communication:
San Diego Unified School District –T. Philips has spoken with Principle Irwin and she is happy with the way the bus program is being handled this year. He hopes to be able to sit down with her before the end of the school year to further repair relationship between the school and the committee and hopefully gain increased assistance from MMS in the future. T. Philips also mentioned that the Alliant University Property has been sold to K B Homes and will be used for residential housing in the future. This could have a major impact on MMS in the future.
Scripps Ranch Cluster Schools –T. Philips attended the last meeting and shared information about a presentation from a gentleman who runs a nonprofit organizing donations for the Madison cluster of school. He suggested a similar organization could be set up for the Scripps Ranch cluster to oversee donations for all school instead of each school having their own fundraising and parent organizations. T. Philips will continue to monitor the issue and report back.3.Update on Registration, Lottery and Assignment of Seats –Nothing to report.
Action Items:
SRBC Bylaws Clean Up/Consolidation –The current Bylaws could benefit from a review and T. Philips has offered to start the process as he has experience with Bylaws following a review of the SRCA Bylaws. It was suggested that the Bylaws need to ensure that the whole committee is involved in the administration of the program rather than just a select few. P. Mills suggested including C. Walbridge’s suggestion last month of having each member at large responsible for a route. T. Philips asked for all to consider what we could add to ensure even distribution of work and C. Walbridge motioned to begin a review of the Bylaws. Seconded by P. Mills and approved 5-0-0. 2
Amendment to the SRBC Bylaws –Ability to Cancel Meetings –The Bylaws currently state meeting will be held monthly even if there is little to discuss. M. Fetherling motioned to change the Bylaws to enable meeting to be cancelled if necessary. Seconded by C. Walbridge and approved 5-0-0.
Open Discussion - None
Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 7:12pm.
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