Scripps Ranch Bus Committee
Tuesday, January 28, 2020 6:30pm.
Scripps Ranch Library – Seminar Room
10301 Scripps Lake Drive, San Diego, CA 92131 I. Welcome!
a. Call to order: 6:33- Dane
b. Roll Call: Dane, Pauline, Cecily, Sunil
c. Modifications to Agenda: None
II. Approval of Minutes: October 22, 2019 Monthly Meeting Agenda: Pauline, 2nd by Dane
III. Discussion Items/Presentations:
a. Seat Vacancies: Trying to fill a seat on EBS bus. All other routes are full.
b. Waiting List Update: Have made it through waiting lists for Dingeman I and EBS bus routes
c. Electronic signups for bus- can we use the same form site as next year? Dane will check with Gail.
d. Determine future meeting dates
i. Review bylaws: Check to see if this is only done every other year
ii. Elections
1. Any known resignations? President and Secretary
e. Other important dates
i. Enrollment:
1. Current riders (March 4th – April 1st)
2. Open to all (April 8th – 30th)
ii. MMS Parent Orientation Mtg: Dane and Pauline will go
iii. Lottery: May 6th
f. Any other issues/complaints/suggestions to report by board members?
IV. Action Items:
V. Non-Agenda Public Comment / Open Discussion.
a. Lessons Learned: Large bus capacity required for all routes
b. Suggest for next year to create email addresses for each bus route rather than all correspondence done by secretary through main email
c. Check with Linda on who is current with accounts
i. People who register who have not paid in full for this year’s bus will receive notification they need to pay in full by April 30th.
VI. Adjournment. 7:37 pm
Future Meeting Dates:
Feb 25th
March 24th (Elections)
April 28th