Scripps Ranch Bus Committee
Tuesday, April 23, 2019 6:30pm.
Scripps Ranch Library – Seminar Room
10301 Scripps Lake Drive, San Diego, CA 92131
I. Welcome!
a. Call to order – D. Fetherling called the meeting to order at 7:02pm
b. Roll Call - D. Fetherling, P. Perry, G. Faber, C. Walbridge, V. Jain
c. Modifications to Agenda - None
II. Approval of Minutes: March 19, 2019 Annual Meeting and Elections.
a. The minutes were unanimously approved without modification.
b. Motion by G. Faber and seconded by V. Jain
III. Discussion Items/Presentations:
a. Reviewed email letters to send to students who secure a bus seat or who are on a wait list
i. D. Fetherling will be checking with the district concerning
1. bus times for next year along with the costs
2. ask for an additional bus
3. Check on Z-passes
a. Will they be collected from kids at the end of the year?
b. How will they be redistributed?
c. Ask if we can redistribute to ensure the right kids get the passes
ii. Several updates were made for both email letters… updates showing tracked changes have been included in these meeting notes as a reference
b. Share/discuss lottery method
i. It was suggested and demonstrated to use excel for the lottery using the RAND() and RANK() functions in excel in combination with a dice roll. The board unanimously approved method to use for the May 7th lottery.
c. Registration status
i. Based on current registration numbers, it is anticipated all bus routes will have a wait list for next year.
IV. Action Items:
a. Current/Upcoming Dates
i. Registration (April 10-30)
ii. Lottery (May 7)
V. Non-Agenda Public Comment / Open Discussion.
a. Discussed email request asking to consider have a single wait list for both Dingeman buses
i. Pippa described how a majority of those who she had contacted for an open bus spot were only willing to accept one bus time and waiting to go through the list to find someone who would take the open slot often resulted in long wait times for the empty seat to be filled. Between time/energy lost by the bus committee trying to fill the slots and empty bus seats not being filled, it is recommend to keep a single list for all bus routes. The committee agreed.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019 6:30pm.
Scripps Ranch Library – Seminar Room
10301 Scripps Lake Drive, San Diego, CA 92131
I. Welcome!
a. Call to order – D. Fetherling called the meeting to order at 7:02pm
b. Roll Call - D. Fetherling, P. Perry, G. Faber, C. Walbridge, V. Jain
c. Modifications to Agenda - None
II. Approval of Minutes: March 19, 2019 Annual Meeting and Elections.
a. The minutes were unanimously approved without modification.
b. Motion by G. Faber and seconded by V. Jain
III. Discussion Items/Presentations:
a. Reviewed email letters to send to students who secure a bus seat or who are on a wait list
i. D. Fetherling will be checking with the district concerning
1. bus times for next year along with the costs
2. ask for an additional bus
3. Check on Z-passes
a. Will they be collected from kids at the end of the year?
b. How will they be redistributed?
c. Ask if we can redistribute to ensure the right kids get the passes
ii. Several updates were made for both email letters… updates showing tracked changes have been included in these meeting notes as a reference
b. Share/discuss lottery method
i. It was suggested and demonstrated to use excel for the lottery using the RAND() and RANK() functions in excel in combination with a dice roll. The board unanimously approved method to use for the May 7th lottery.
c. Registration status
i. Based on current registration numbers, it is anticipated all bus routes will have a wait list for next year.
IV. Action Items:
a. Current/Upcoming Dates
i. Registration (April 10-30)
ii. Lottery (May 7)
V. Non-Agenda Public Comment / Open Discussion.
a. Discussed email request asking to consider have a single wait list for both Dingeman buses
i. Pippa described how a majority of those who she had contacted for an open bus spot were only willing to accept one bus time and waiting to go through the list to find someone who would take the open slot often resulted in long wait times for the empty seat to be filled. Between time/energy lost by the bus committee trying to fill the slots and empty bus seats not being filled, it is recommend to keep a single list for all bus routes. The committee agreed.
VI. Adjournment.
a. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm
Future Meeting Dates:
May 7 – Lottery – 7 – 8pm Seminar Room
May 28, 2019 – Monthly SRBC Meeting 6:30 p.m
June 25, 2019 – Monthly SRBC Meeting 6:30 p.m