January 22, 2019 @ 6:30pm
Scripps Ranch Library, Seminar Room
Present: T. Philips, P. Mills, M. Fetherling, W. Konold, C. Walbridge.
Absent: D. Fetherling, G. Faber.
Number in audience: 6
Call to order – T. Philips called the meeting to order at 6:36pm
Modifications to the Agenda – None
Non-Agenda Public Comment – Many questions were asked from the floor regarding the program in general and specifically registration.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes from September 25, 2018 were approved 4-0-0 without modification. Motioned by C. Walbridge and seconded by T. Philips.
The minutes from October 23, 2018 were approved 4-0-0 without modification. Motioned by M. Fetherling and seconded by T. Philips.
Discussion Items/Presentations:
Update on Communication:
San Diego Unified School District – Second Semester payments are due 1/31/19 and Invoices were sent at the start of month. E-mails will be sent to families to remind them and also to advise of the new policy regarding the necessity for their 2018/19 account to be up to date to qualify for priority registration for the 2019/20 school year.
P. Mills advised that it became apparent recently that the District are charging some families reduced fair when they let them know that they are only using one-way service – only morning or only afternoon. The board was not aware that a reduction in fees could be negotiated with the District and P. Mills felt that if some families were benefiting from reduced fares all should be given this option. A lengthy discussion established that by offering options for one way travel we might cause some buses to run partially full, especially the early buses in the morning. This is turn may lead to the District feeling that we are not utilizing the buses to their full and withdraw service. It is not possible at present for the committee to allocate seats on a morning and/or afternoon basis and there was concern about overcrowding with more Z-passes issued for children only riding one way. It was agreed that payments for service are between the District and Families and therefore it is up to families to discuss payment options with them directly. It was noted that the invoices sent at the start of the school year do mention am/pm services although it does not state a reduction in fees is possible so the committee in general felt families have been notified.
Scripps Ranch Cluster Schools – T. Philips mentioned that at the last meeting there is a push by the District to engage the community more and they are planning to hold evenings with the local Police (2/21 and 3/20) and offer movies/speakers to cover important topics.
Update on Registration, Lottery and Assignment of Seats – 75 children still on wait list.
Action Items:
2019 Dates:
MMS Matriculation Night – Feb 7th – T. Philips asked for volunteers to attend as he is unavailable. P. Mills will see if she is free and if not will contact the absent board members to see if they can attend.
Information Meeting during March 19th meeting – The main room has been reserved from 6pm onwards to allow more time for discussion.
Registration – April 10 -30
Lottery – May 7 – Seminar room is booked for 7-8pm.
Annual Meeting May 28th – T. Philips mentioned that holding the Annual meeting in the middle of registration is probably not the best timing and it was discussed moving this to September however the current board might be unable to continue that long. P. Mills will not be able to continue as she will have no one on the bus next year. T. Philips is unable to continue as Chair due to starting his Masters degree and C. Walbridge, W. Knold and M. Featherling also mentioned they may not be able to continue! This would leave no committee so it was agreed that elections should be bought forward to March and if a full and active board was not elected then registration would not go ahead as planned in April and the bus program would stop. A letter will be sent to all current families, those on the waitlist and those interested to explain this and ask for consideration to help with this beneficial program. It was suggested that the existing board could then shadow the new members from March through June 13th when school finishes so they can set up the 2019/20 program and learn the process.
Bylaws will need to be changed as they currently state the annual meeting will be held in May and this will be reviewed at the February meeting.
Review of Application Form – P. Mills shared the updated form and suggested edits were made. Form to be updated and reviewed again at February Meeting when it will be voted on.
SRBC Bylaws Clean Up/Consolidation – T. Philips and P. Mills have reviewed and amended the current bylaws to tidy them up and incorporate the business rules. Copies will be sent to all board members for review before the next meeting when they will be voted on.
Open Discussion - None
Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.