Thursday, April 29, 2021

Is your child attending Marshall Middle school next year? Need help with transportation?
Registration for the 2021-22 Marshall bus, organized by parent volunteers, will begin Saturday May 1, 2021 and end Sunday May 16, 2021.
Although busing is contingent on the San Diego Unified school district and Covid restrictions, we are holding bus registration and lottery in hopes of a normal return to school in 2021-22 school year.
There are typically four routes: 2 from Dingeman, one from EBS and one from Swan Lake/Farmingdale. For more information, see our blog .
Please fill out the following google form between May 1st and 16th for consideration in lottery:

Entries are timestamped and you will receive a confirmation (check spam folder if you do not).

Priority will be given to families who were registered to ride the bus in 2020-21. The lottery will take place via zoom Tuesday, May 25th at 7pm. Elections for the 2021-22 bus committee will follow the lottery.

New board members, including Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and At-large members, are vital in order to operate the bus in the next school year. Position descriptions can be found on our blog in our bylaws.

Again, busing is contingent on the San Diego Unified school district and Covid restrictions. It is highly recommended that you have a back-up plan for transportation.

SRBC 2020-21 Bus Committee

Thursday, April 8, 2021


Members in Attendance Sunil Moorjani, Bethany Bernaba, Susan Portrey, Michael Quimpo

We discussed difficult, crazy school year.  The last update from the district stated that there would be no neighborhood routes until ALL Covid restrictions lifted, leaving bus for 2021-2022 in question. There will not be a bus for the remainder of this school year.

Members discussed needing to fill vacancies created by members of committee with graduating students.  New president, secretary and new at large members needed for coming school year. The bus existence is entirely dependent on parent volunteers.

Discussed sending letter to last year's bus route parents and waiting list asking intentions for upcoming school year. Need show of interest by end of April for a lottery sometime in May.  Advertise bus to Facebook Group and communicate to elementary schools.

IMPORTANT: At this time there is no bus for the remainder of 2021.  Bus in school year 2021-22 contingent upon San Diego having NO COVID restrictions. We highly suggest making carpool and back-up arrangements.